Yumeiho Therapy

My Yemeiho Story

YuMeiHo® therapy is a holistic Japanese massage therapy used to treat many health conditions as well as to improve mental and physical health. Having spent my life as a professional hairdresser which involves standing up for most of my working day I was starting to suffer from the pressures that his creates on the body. I had serious lower back pains and wanted to avoid the surgery that at the time was being suggested by Doctors and was not guaranteed to be successful.

I was treated by a Yumeiho practitioner while travelling abroad on a hairdressing assignment and my condition started to rapidly improve to such an extent that I never needed further medical treatment. I became so fascinated by the Yumeiho method that I set out to train to become a practitioner myself and qualified to be able to do so.

I started to provide this to some of my regular clients when they became aware of my interest in Yumeiho and now offer this through my regular workplace.

What is Yumeiho?

Japanese Yumeiho is a holistic Japanese full body muscle and joint balancing technique that can produce great results for sufferers of musculoskeletal pain. It is based on the belief that our pelvis is the centre and foundation of a skeleton and is focused on correcting the position of the vertebral column and pelvis, which leads to better posture, decreased muscle tension, back and foot pain, improved internal organ function and faster metabolism.

How is the treatment carried out?

The patient remains fully clothed and it is recommended to try and wear something casual and comfortable for the treatment. Most sessions last around 30 minutes